Friday, September 11, 2009

And I have returned~ :D

Erm. i havent written a blog here in like.. SO MANY YEARS!
no wait. i was lying. xD
last post was somewhere in july.
about that crush of mine when i was 7.
Well, just some updates on that issue.
She's already with someone else and friends is all we are.
Which is just as good. I love my friends. :D

Alright. Moving on. Let me fill you in on some info on things that have been happening to me in the past few months.

1. My birthday was the best.
2. MTV World Stage.
3. Finals in college.
4. Working Full time for the holidays.
5. University of Wales, UK interview.
6. Contact Lenses. ^^
7. Fasting Month
8. Almost hari raya
9. Awesomeness. =)

Okay. Here it goes~ ^^

My birthday was one of the events i put so much effort into making sure i enjoy myself.
This person was the first who mentioned about the even which made my birthday the best ever.

Amirah Diyana Bt Zulkarnain

iloveyouadik. :D

My bestie and his family,

Jeffrey Aroun bin Omar

All those that made my birthday a blast. Including all those that were Jamming on my birthday night.

Jeff, Zack, Heidi, Adam, Yan, Omar (BIG), Omar (small), Ilya, Azim, Akmal, and Azizi.

Those in bold were the ones screaming along with me and making things crazy. Im sure you've heard I'm yours right? We did the screamo version. It was messy. But everyone was sure as hell having alot of fun~ :D But too bad Jeff wasnt screaming along. Cuz he was practicing with the USELESS DELUSION (its the band name okay? im not calling them useless or anything. xD) Things were getting all crazeee~ And crazee~ We even had fans! ILYA AND AZIM! OUR VERY OWN CHEERLEADERS! haha. They kept going into our jamming room and the other jamming room dancing and singing along, and MOSHING to songs. Which was like SO COOL! :D

OH YEAH! 13th August 2009
I seriously have to talk about that night. That time, we were all crazy about calling HITZ FM and getting those tickets. I dont know why, but we were laughing so hard, i felt like puking. Seriously. It was damn fun. We were calling and were sort of imagining what it would be like if they actually picked up our call. We used 3 phones to make the call. And mine was ringing so many times, but THEY DIDNT PICK UP. == Then we were all sort of preparing our SPEECH, lets just say we won the tickets. We were like.. OMG!!! I WON!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!! IM SO HAPPY!! OMG! OMG! OMG! we were definitely exaggurating. And laughing the crap off. Jeff and zack were supposed to be studying, but they were laughing and laughing. I guess i distracted them. Hehe. Oh well. xD

And so the next morning, at 6am, we waited to call on how to get those tickets. This time it was just me and zack. Cuz jeff got ready to go to school. I called and called and finally they picked up. And so i asked, how we could win those tickets. They asked me to head out to bukit bintang to get the tickets from the cruizers. i was like wtF? no. Any other way to win? They were like.. okay later at 8am got a show you have to listen to win. So the moment they started the show, we called and called and called, and SOMEONE ELSE GOT IT. WTF... Then we still called anyway and when Rudy finally picked up, we were like.. WHY DID YOU GIVE SOMEONE ELSE THE TICKETS!!! WHYY~~~ THen he was like.. SORRY DUDE, they called in first and blablabla. SO were like its okay la. Right after we put down the phone, we said. "We're so changing to FLY.FM now. xD

Okay. Jeff and I went to skate in front of his house. And recorded a few videos. ^^ Then later it started raining. So we went in the house and watched SEPET and GUBRA. Haha. I dont know why, the movie was like, kinda boring at times, but the message they were sending out was pretty much meaningful. But we've been watching this movie for 3 days in a row. Cuz astro was showing in memory of Yasmin Ahmad. Okay then later we went to the basketball court to hang out and play a game. I pretty much suck at basketball now. Its been too long since i last practiced.

Later that night, before i went out to go jamming, they ordered Pizza for us at home. Hedy came to sleep over. Just before we were going out, they were like.. Wait first. THEN.


WOW!!! A CAKE!! FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!! I was seriously touched by this event. *sobs* HEHE. I was seriously happy i could celebrate it with my bestie. Cuz he'll be going to the states next year. There wont be another birthday hangout with him for the next few years till he comes back. Or. If i go there. ^^ Oh well. Then we screamed at the jamming studio. Screamo BEBEH! SCEAMMMMMM!!! XD

Then later i had Jeanny waiting for me at McD cuz she owes me a birthday BELANJA. :D Sorry i kept you waiting. But jamming was like.. WOW! hehe. Next time we should jam together. After that i went to see her at McD and jeff went skating with the Useless Delusion band. hehe. i know. Saying useless sounds funny. xD Okay. And so my birthday ended a blast. Then amirul came over for a sleepover. That night we were chatting till around 3am. Talking nonsense. That short guy really full of crap la. HAHA. ^^

The next morning, we woke up, and got ready for the MOST WAITED EVENT.


Okay, im not gonna talk so much about the world stage cuz i think ive explained enuff. haha.

Then on the day i was going back, went to Shah Alam. And we went there to skate. Actually that day we rented out the BMX. I did some stupid attempts. Which caused my wrist to get injured. It still is. Even till today. i cant even do push ups. ==" oh well. It'll heal over time. ^^ And so i went on the bus at 9.30pm. I left at 7pm for the bus station. I wanted to go get some shoes first, but then once i reached KL Central, it was almost 9. I knew i wasnt gonna make it, so what i just bought chocolates there and went straight to the bus station.

I arrived the next morning and i was supposed to take my exam today, but because i was injured and my whole body was aching due to the MOSH MOSH MOSH~ xD. I postponed my exam till friday. But still. I couldnt do it. Cuz i didnt study that much. DAYYUM. I hope my results this semester doesnt go below 3.0. =="

Okay and so now im working at the cyber cafe in Perlis for the whole fasting month since its the holidays. At least i can go online everyday and night and whenever i want to. FOR FREE. AND GET PAID FOR IT. HOW COOL IS THAT HUH? ^^ So ive been mixing around with these kids and dudes that come to the cyber cafe everyday. hehe. They're kinda cool. And we play counter-strike every night. I can say, im alot better at playing now than i was a few weeks back. I can feel the difference. hehe. IM SO GONNA PLAY COUNTER STRIKE with my cousins! THEY'RE BACK FROM SUDAN BEBEH! HOYEAH! I havent seen them for about a year or so. MISS THEM LIKE CRAZY. WE'RE SO GONNA RAID THE CYBER CAFE! I BELANJA! :D

Okay, and so one day, i got a call from my college. Saying that i represent the college to attend an interview by University of Wales, UK that took place at my college on the.. erm.. 23rd I guess? lol. I dont remember. And so, there were 6 erm.. welsh dudes doing the interview. And heck yeah we were all feeling nervous. 1. Cuz im the only one who could speak english fluent enough. 2. We had to talk positive stuff about our college and promote it.
Is that so hard to do?
YES. Picture this. When i first saw the college, i said, WTF IS THIS? IM QUITTING. And i was dead serious at that time. Cuz it wasnt how i expected a college to be. IT WAS CRAP I TELL YOU! But now, in such a short period of time, its upgraded alot. And i should say, i am quite impressed. I guess i was right about giving it a chance. And im doing quite well here. Although im still so far away. But nevermind that. Hehe. oh YEAH! Since we did so well during the interview and the dudes were impressed, the college sort of rewarded us. WE MADE 100 BUCKS EACH! WOOOP~ WOOOOP~ ^^


Its the 1st of september. I decided to make a change. Ive gotta make alot of changes and get ready from now on.. Things are gonna be different. So the next day. I BOUGHT CONTACT LENSES! They're supposed to be GREY but cuz they're so light, people see it as blue~ and it gets chicks to stare into my eyes and smile. WOW~ :D
but i dont know. it makes me think.. people only notice things are different. And wearing those contacts make me look fake. So i took them off. And i realized that people dont really notice me or even bother to look at me when im not wearing those contacts. See the difference?

Alright, so lets talk abit about the fasting month.
This month is really one heck of a month.
You can see people raging and flaring at each other.
Now do you see how food actually affects someone?

You know, i actually cried during the first day of the fasting month because i miss my family and its the first time being so far away from them. I missed them alot. Listening to hari raya songs, and people reading the quran makes me really miss my family. I feel like crying now. ==" okay. nevermind. HAPPY THOUGHTS! hehe. :D I'll be coming home on the 18th!! I CANT WAIT!! And so there's only a week left till Hari Raya. This years fasting month seems to pass by so quickly. I hope nothing bad happens to me withing this last week. So i can fast till the end of the month. ^^

Oh yeah, after the world stage, i got to know this awesome chick through facebook. i call her HAWTIE. She's awesome. ^^

Oh well thats all i feel like writing.

OH YEAH! I posted another blog. but you just read the posts there.

Some interesting posts i got there. :D

And finally.
imissyou. yes you. :D


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