Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Its been quite awhile.

Okay everyone, its been almost a week since i last blogged. This is because i have been so so so so so... so busy that i havent had the time to do so.

Anyways, alot of you (readers of my blog) must be wondering whats happening now right? Well, lets see... I'll make a list of points on what to say...

*I went to Johor for a leadership camp. I was with the organizers.
*We broke up.
*I made new friends at the camp.
*Im back in Kl and soon back to perlis.
*Jamming with REMAKE MY LULLABY. ^^

*I went to Johor for a leadership camp. I was with the organizers.

Okay, according to my last post, i told you that im at this camp in Johor with 100 teenagegirls participants right? Well, that was what its supposed to be. But unfortunately only 79 turned up. BUt nevermind.

I havent been to these kind of camps since 2006 i think. My society, PACIFIC YOUTH OUTREACH was made to help make youth better than what they are currently. It was started out by my Aunty Noor Hayatti bt Ismail and her good cause to make a change for the youth. Im part of the team. Anyways, i'll just go ahead with how the camp went.

Since ive never been into the forest for a very long time, i didnt really know what to expect. But here's what you can expect about the forest.


Yeah. I mean come on. ITS A FOREST. XD

Apart from that, i think ive become a hell load more NAGGY. Thank you Catalina for the feedback.

During the camp, i was FORCED TO DO SO. I dont really like nagging to others as much as i dont like getting nagged at myself. So dont worry people. I'll try not to nag at you. Hee.
In the forest, i got leech bites. I dont really know how much but i do know its more than one. Haha. Im too lazy to check my legs and see how many of those bloodsuckers got a taste of my blood. XD

Moving on, i love the lakes over there. Especially the one that had a platform for me to dive in.

WOOOT! Hehe.

It was about 1 storey high jump into the lake and i went CRAZEE! haha. Well... I did get scolded for being unprofesional cuz as the FACI i was supposed to overlook the participants. BUT IT DIDNT MATTER. Cuz if i didnt jump on that day, the next day where we were supposed to get a jump into the lake, it didnt happen cuz there wasnt enough time to do so.

But the thing about the camp was... i got a hell load of cuts on my foot. ++"

Well, thats what you get for going out to a total survival camp. ^^

And from the whole camp, i met so many different people, and there was one that i kept in touch with even till today. (I speak like its been SOOO LONG. Haha) well, her name is...

Catalina Mae Hubbard.

One heck of an interesting person to talk to. ^^

Now moving on to the next thing that i was going to talk about.

*We broke up.

Yes people. Im single now.
The reason?
Well, sometimes i think things were just not meant to be.
But i think its for the best. At least now i know someone better will take care of her.
Dont worry farhah. I wont make things hard for you anymore. (:

*I made new friends at the camp.

How can you not make friends at a camp. Especially when they're all girls?
Oh I KNOW! Wait... I dont. Haha. what am i saying?


Ive talked about this. haha.


*Im back in Kl and soon back to perlis.

I came back to KL from Johor last tuesday. Then i chilled with my bro and sis at sogo.

KARAOKE! Haha. Actually more like SCREAM YOUR LUNGS OUT. XD

THe holidays dont seem to be enough. And soon its coming to an end. I'll be going to buy my tickets back to Perlis later. Hmm.. I wish the holidays were longer. THere's just too many things to do in so little time. And i dont have time to chill with everyone of my friends. Haiz.. What to do.. Im gonna go back to studying... Sink my head into the notes. Back to boring life...


Moving ON.

*Jamming with REMAKE MY LULLABY. ^^

Alright... Here's what im looking forward to. ^^ TODAY WERE GOING JAMMING! WOOT! ^^ I havent gone jamming in SOO LONG. So i dont know how we'll do today. haha. I hope things turn out fine. Were going for 4whole hours! XD

Jeanny just came back from singapore. WELCOME BACK PATRICK! XD

And oh yeah yesterday i went to jeffs house and chilled with zack, naz, jeff, amirul, helmi and the rest. ^^ Adrianna is STILL SO ADORABLE. (She's jeffs 2 year old sister)aka MY BABY! XD ^^

Okay thats all im gonna write now. Somehow when im back at home, i dont feel like blogging that much or too detailed because i feel like there's so many things to do. Unlike when im in perlis. ^^ well its okay. I'll blog more when i can.




my own little world said...

OF COURSE im intresting.. hahhah .. A girl like me ... 'Full package' tau .. haha.. xD just joking.. haha

Enna said...

you broke up?
sry to hear that..
ahh, but again so jealous you get to go camping here and there meeting new people and stuff

TauFiQ said...

full package? haha. i suppose so.
erm. thanks for your concern ainaa. oh dont worry. you'll be meeting new people when you least expect it. so chill. ^^

lala said...

come my blog too ^^