Monday, January 28, 2008

chronicles of me...

hey.. i finally found something to do in my past time.. work on songs for my upcoming band.. hehe.. its still under construction but we'll work things out hopefully.. okay.. now.. what do i wanna talk about today.. hmmm.. why dont i talk about yesterday... lets see... i woke up in the morning.. then followed my dad sent my siblings to school.. then i went to the office after that.. then i formated one of my computers and reinstalled it.. then i had roti canai for breakfast... what was i doing the whole morning? i have no idea.. was just looking around for software.. then.. i listened to the online radioblog... and that was how i spent my morning.... then i dunno how but i got a fever suddenly till today.. haizz.. but that didnt stop me from having fun.. later i went to school to meet my homies.. hey.. know what.. i just realized that when i hope for something long enough.. it comes.. wanna know why i said that? its cuz.. i was kinda hoping to get a chance at zarine and yesterday was the day... but now.. thing is.. zeeman likes her and so does ashman.. what should i do? be selfish and crash my two homies? im so lost at this.. i got to talk to her alone when i walked her back because we had some issues that had to be sorted out.. zeeman wanted to have that moment but i took it and now im feeling pretty guilty to him cuz of that.. he likes her... we like.. haizz.. and so it was raining and i got to talk to her about quite alot of things.. i was pretty surprised with her total truthfulness.. omg.. i was like stunned when she said my bestie jeff told her that she should give me a chance.. i was like.. u didnt have to tell me that... thats when i started to blush and lost my words.. that rarely happens.. and its been awhile since i ever even had the thought of getting together with someone like her.. not saying that she's bad but im ususally headed for the Chinese types... anyways...and so... i had a moment there.. hmm.. im not sure... should i make a move? shes right there.. but then... haizz.. i dont wanna fight with my frens over a girl... its just plain stupid.. anyways.. her mum arrived at school to pick her up at around 4.36pm.. it was raining pretty heavily but then i still dashed off after she left because i didnt wanna get stuck in school.. and so... i ran and because i didnt want my shoes to get wet.. i sped like crazy... i stopped at jeffs place to borrow some slippers... then i headed off to 7eleven.. when i saw zeeman.. he looked really pissed.. maybe i shouldnt go for her... haizz.. but i want... but i dont know how.. haizz.. haizzz... then we all went to play golf at the football field.. hehe.. time for me to show off abit.. ive only played golf for like 4days.. and i can hit it quite far already... muahaha.. oh yeah.. and i almost hit syuhadas face and elijahs face when i hit the golf ball.. suddenly my shots were so accurate yesterday.. but i couldnt even make one 3pointer at basketball cuz i was feeling kinda weak and feverish... haizz... then that night i didnt go to sleep early.. i slept at 3am in the morning... what was i doing? i was composing my first ever song... YAY! finally i got to complete one song... ive never finished composing a song till the end.. but because i was determined to do so.. i managed to get it done by 1.30.. but i was having sore throat.. and when i try to sing it, it kinda hurts... so i spent an hour trying all sorts of methods to heal my throat.. i tried gargling with salt water... i drank lots of honey... i drank lots of water... i ate cough syrup.. haha.. now its a bit better but still hurts.. maybe i should talk alot lesser now.. hehe.. then i woke up at 6.20 in the morning... and followed my dad send the kids to school then i went to the bank later at 9.30.. oh yeah.. today is syuhada's birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SYUHADA! FRIENDS FOR LIFE... hehe... just now i went to school and met up with jeff cuz were having a surprise for syu... hehe.. jeff really likes syu... each time i give out a suggestion.. he denies it cuz he wants to do it by himself.. hmmm... okay. dude... i support you MAN!! GO GO JIA YOU! lolx.. then i went to the office and i met my friend farhan eating at the mamak shop and had a little conversation... then i ate and here i am now in the office blogging... hmm... pretty boring ryte? yeah i know.. but i wanna go meet my friends in awhile... till next time... ciaoz...

T-MiXx InC

Sunday, January 27, 2008

entrance and exit...

hello everyone.. its been awhile since i last blogged.. so welcome back to me.. muahaha.. okay.. what do i wanna talk about today... oh yeah.. since my last blog which was on thaipusam well.. i went to the court later that evening... hmm.. what else.. i cant really remember.. but i do know that i couldnt go online for the next few days which explains why i havent been blogging till today... hmm.. oh yeah.. last saturday on the 26th, i finally got out of the house in the morning after sometime and followed my siblings to school because they had this road run thing going on in school.. i didnt really go to school but instead i went to the basketball court to play basketball.. duhh.. lolx.. oh yeah.. on that day.. it was the first time i really played using jumpshot... i did quite alot.. i did 2 3pointer jumpshots which i was pretty much amazed when it went in.. after that day, i never stopped using jumpshots.. lolx... oh yeah... then i met kang le at the court... adorable form 2 kid.. quite cute too ^^ couldnt take my eyes off her adorable cute face... aaah.. lolx.. anyways she was with her friend siew li watching us guys play at the court.. muahaha..but too bad she didnt see me make the 3 pointer... T-T okay and so as i was saying, after playing, people starting passing by from the road run thing... so jef and i decided to follow them..hehe..was pretty funny when we jogged by the teachers, they were like... ey... apa nombor? then we said 017 and 016.. lolx.. some teachers were like smiling away but some were like... eh whats the other number... lolx.. damn funny that time.. then we cheered on the rest of our friends.. ashman got 15th place and shiqin got 3rd... okay la.. not bad.. lolx... oh then we all went to the mamak shop, sri tanjung nearby 7eleven... thats when something happened... well.. i sort of fought with jeff... thing is.. he likes syuhada.. this girl i know.. and she and i are kinda close.. sort of la.. and so she was sitting next to me and we were talking then her purse fell down on the floor... she leaned over and went down to take it.. then when she did i was like.. HEY CHECK THIS OUT! i was telling everyone to look... it looked like she was doing something else... lolx.. im not gonna say what... then jeff got pissed and went off.. i was like... wtf man... he dashed off and then syu and i went to go look for him... we walked for 15 minutes in the hot sun to go look for him... haizz... with me also wanna be so sensistive ar?? haiz. then while we were walking... i managed to talk to syuhada just one on one.. it was pretty interesting talking to her.. not that i dont know that.. but then.. it was sort of different this time i talked to her.. i never really talked seriously to her.. so it was... erm.. different.. O.o okay then when we finally found jeff i told syu to go back to tanjung and eat while i try talking to him.. but he didnt wanna talk to me instead he was pissed.. i was like... fcuk man... the whole time i was walking with syu, we were talking about him the whole time.. but i guess i was stupidly misunderstood.. maybe he felt that his position was threatened.. hmm.. well i cant do anything bout that if he doesnt trust me that much anymore.. anyway we had a talk and we got things sorted out... but seems like he feels me as a threat.. actually... i feel him as a threat... cuz every time i like a girl, theyd be crazy over him, but when he likes a girl, id usually be closer to them compared to him.. hmm... kacau la... haizz.. dude.. how can you say im taking advantage? hmmmph.. nevermind.. oh yeah.. its been awhile since i last chat with zarine also.. but nevermind la.. doesnt really matter.. she likes someone else already.. okay and so later i went back home.. then at night i went out to farahs farewell party.. syu was there also.. i spent the time talking to her the most of the time i was there... then we played this game that i suggested since everyone was feeling bored.. passing secret messages by whispering.. it was really fun actually cuz the message never came out right when it reaches the last person.. lolx... and azim was always blamed for everything.. lolx.. then i ate and had a chat with a few of my friends.. since now im not schooling, me and the people my age are called the budak habis sekolah.. lolx.. oh yeah.. i got to talk to this new guy, his name is omar... i sort of met him a few weeks back and almost fought with him that time but then i realized it was all a misunderstanding.. tengku, abu and omar aren't that bad at all.. hmm... then i got to talk and reminisce with amani, my close friend since i was in form2.. it was pretty an enjoyable night... it was farahs last day so we chilled... hmm... that was for 26th.. on 27th, i woke up at 2pm in the afternoon... and i did all my chores and then later at 4.30 i went out to the court... its about 6-7km distance from my house to the court but i jogged there in about 25minutes.. well... jogged 17minutes and the rest of the way i walked.. oh yeah.. then i did quite alot of jump shots on this day also.. hehe.. quite proud of myself for that too... then later i went back home.. my whole body was aching because at farah's party, i did quite alot of pull ups at the park.. my mum picked me up from 7eleven... hmmm... then at night i did my usual workout routine.. and slept at 2am... and woke up today at 6am.. 4 hours of sleep only.. -_-" and now here i am at the office... just now i just formatted one of my computers and reinstalled the windows... thats why it took quite sometime till i could post this blog... hmmm.. i had roti canai for breakfast... and now im online... running out of things to say already... well... im supposed to make my ic today.. cuz i lost it like last year.. lolx.. but then i dunno.. see how la.. well... maybe i'll blog more later... ciaoz...

T-MiXx InC

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i just realized it...

hey.. im back again today... believe it or not its 4.37am in the morning now and i just arrived at my dads office with my dad... the reason why im here so early is because we have to edit my mums assessment papers for her students in sayfol international... well.. hmmm.. lets see what happened yesterday.. i slept late on the 22nd and i was supposed to wake up at 6am to pass my pbsm belts to my friends but unfortunately i couldnt wake up at all and they were hell pissed... cuz they were supposed to be checked in at 7am but they were waiting for me but i didnt turn up.. sorry guys.. but i really couldnt help it.. so then i woke up at 7.15 am and realized that i didnt give the belts yet.. damn... okay then i turned on the TV and turned to TV3 and saw malaysia hari ini where they were showing the thaipusam celebration at batu caves.. the place i was supposed to be on duty at.. -_-" then i was thinking if i didnt go then maybe i could go out somewhere else but instead i was stuck at home the WHOLE DAY! omg.. i really dont like sitting at home the whole day... my mood was really disturbed when my dad didnt allow me to go to the basketball court.. ishh.. not only that, zarine also invited me over to her place at 2pm but then i couldnt go cuz my dad didnt allow.. hmmm.. but whatever la.. so i was at home... the whole day... and i just realized that i get really moody when i stay home without leaving the house at all.. its like having pms.. lolx.... okay then after i did all my chores and did what i had to do.. i went to sleep at 6.30pm... then i woke up at 8 for prayers then slept till midnite.. hmmm... had pretty weird dreams actually... i dreamt i was at this sort of camp then they were playing this song which i dont really remember... then everyone was dancing to the beat.. oh yeah.. it was some sort of talent search sort of thing going on as well at that time.. i could remember seeing some of my friends.. okay then so i woke up at midnight... then as soon as i woke up i was assigned by my mum to type out her assessment papers... since i was all charged already, i did it without complains.. hmm... before that i made myself 2 egg sandwiched.. hehe.. yummz... nothing like a home made taufiq style special midnight snack.. so then after everyone went to sleep, i proceeded with the task and completed it at around 3.. i started somewhere around 2 am cuz i was talking to my mum and eating so it was pretty much delayed... oh yeah.. on the 22nd, i watched 2 dvd's which my dad borrowed from my uncle.. i am legend and the last legion.. hmm... ive seen i am legend before this and watching it again was quite fun.. but the last legion.. it was kinda screwed up.. cuz.. err.. most scenes seemed pretty fake.. but overall the story wasnt so bad at all.. okay... then back to after 3am, i uploaded some pictures from my phone to the computer at home and did some editing on adobe photoshop... hmm.. not much to say bout my days the past 2 days... and i dont have much to say cuz now its 5am in the morning.. maybe i'll continue blogging later in the afternoon.. hehe.. thats all i wanna crap about.. i so friggin hate being at home when there's so many things i can do outside with my friends... hmm.. k.. ciaoz...

T-MiXx InC
SLeePY... CIaoz...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

round 3.. and so it continues...

okay.. this is my third day since i started blogging... i think i wanna make this a regular activity.. i used to blog but then i dont usually go online.. but since im not doing anything or not working i think id do this as a past time.. so.. lets see.. what can i crap about today.... oh.. i know... i'll talk about yesteday.. hmm... lets see.. oh yeah.. after i ended my blog yesterday, i didnt go eat straight away, i went to school to meet my homie, Jeffrey and the rest of the clan.. they were waiting for me so i dashed off quickly... cuz i wanted to walk with them to the mamak shop which was just below my office... (originally where i was before i went to meet them in front of school...) i didnt wanna wait for them cuz its more fun to walk and talk so i get to hear about everything that happened in school since im already not schooling... so they were talking and talking... then while we were walking down the street, there was this one lorry with indians inside... they were like literally cruising next to us.. i think they were stalking us apart from going house to house to find people that needed their tar putting services.. there were 3 girls walking with us which was zarine, pashini and syuhada and some other guys.. first we thought they were looking at pashini.. but then when syuhada walked in front, they were winking at her... haha.. i tried to be friendly by waving but they couldnt take their eyes off syu.. lolx.. crazy people... then we finally arrived at the mamak shop and i ordered teh ais... (must i be so detailed??lolx...) okay and so... we were just chilling and talking then we went back to school cuz they all had sports house practice... i tagged along even though i wasnt a student in smkbrp anymore.. hehe.. people didnt really mind me hanging out there... i was only there to wait for them to register and then get lost from there.. lolx.. i was also trying to get closer to this zarine girl but then i think i'll stop cuz she likes someone else.. -_-" hmm.. oh yeah then when they were about to do this road run thing, it started to rain so everyone headed for shelter... haha.. pity the blue house.. it rained on them.. then we decided to go to the mamak shop again and lepak there since we have nothing else to do.. then later ashman came by.. so it was one whole gang there.. hmm.. almost la... cuz jeff had to go for tuition.. after that we went to the basketball court... not many people were there yesterday... cuz it rained earlier... then after that i went back home.. at home that night zarine and i had a quarrel about some stuff but we got that sorted out.. hmm... thats all i wanna crap about now.. i'll write more next time... i wanna go play basketball... again.. lolx.. ciaoz...

T-MiXx InC
NuTz... LoLx...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

second day...

the second day im blogging.. hmm.. what can i say about today... lets see.. i slept really late last nite cuz i came back from the office at around 2.30am.. woah.. last nite behind 7eleven shop lots.. there was a fight amongst the indians.. was really freaky.. i could see them from the back window shoving and pushing each other.. i didnt understand what they were saying but even a crap head could tell they were fighting.. one of them was threatening the other with a glass bottle that he smashed on the ground.. omg.. i was freaked at first then it was annoying cuz they were making so much noise but nobody whacking.. -_-" so lame.. lolx.. i was expecting someone to die or what so at least i could experience seeing someone die in a fight.. haha.. well.. then i called the cops... haha.. i think the cops arrived cuz all of a sudden they scattered and ran away.. i dont think anyone was caught... hmm... crazy... yesterday at the bulan sabit merah malaysia meeting they were informing us that there might be a hindraf meeting at the place we were supposed to have duty at.. so i think my chances of going have disappeared completely.. haiz..but nevermind.. basketball can save me.. haha.. last night when i went back home i practiced the chords i took online then i slept at 3.30 am in the morning.. then i woke up at around 7 something and slept on the floor cuz i was uncomfortable on the bed.. haha.. weird ryte? i prefer flat grounds rather than too soft.. today i woke up at 11.30 which was pretty late but then i still lay down till 12 then i decided to get up cuz if i dont then id miss my ride to go out.. i played the guitar before i left at 12.45 then here i am crapping about yesterday.. haha... oh yeah i signed up myself for this modelfreelancer thingie online.. and maybe tomorrow im going to submit my portfoilo to this casting company..not me only but me and my friends cuz we were asked to do so when we met the chicks at gabriels barbecue.. haha.. they said they're recruiting more people for their companys database... luckily i went there... hmm.. i havent eaten yet but maybe later i will when i meet my homies at mamak shop downstairs from my dads office.. i wanna hang out with this girl zarine.. met her like last week.. shes jeffs friend but she's like really friendly.. so i wanna add more contact to my friends.. not more than that cuz she kinda already has her choice of guys so... friends would be fine i guess.. haha... thats all i wanna crap about today..till next time.. i wanna go makan.. lolx..

T-MiXx InC
HuNgRy... lolx..

REady.. SeT... GO!!

today is the first time im blogging in years.. well.. firstly let me introduce myself.. im 18 this year and im going through so much with so little people by my side.. okay... thats all.. lolx.. not so soon la.. i dont really know what to blog about so i'll blog about my day.. well.. since its a sunday today i woke up at 11.30 cuz yesterday i went to gabriels house for his farewell/birthday barbecue.. the party was great.. it first started out pretty boring till the guitar arrived.. i so love parties when there's music.. and the sing along.. it was great.. imagine the whole crowd singing along to the tune you strum... feels great.. to me at least.. oh yeah... at the party... my homies and my buddies were there.. laughter all the way... i so love parties!! i wanna go to more of it.. hehe.. i love parties.. i love parties.. lolx....the food was great and the entertainment (which was me.. lolx) was really awesome!! then there were these 2 chicks from brp7 nearby the basketball were there... so they asked me and ma homies to submit out profiles for their casting agency.. hehe.. i wanna try for their ads see if i can do it... the gals were going nuts when we all sang beautiful girls for them.. lolx.. was really another enjoyable party.. i love parties!! waaa!!! i want parties!! okay enuff bout yesterday.. 2day was pretty boring cuz i had to attend a bulan sabit merah malaysia meeting in malaysia for the duty we have on 23rd january for thaipusam.. but then.. chances that i can go.. well.. very slim.. haizz.. what to do... but nevermind.. i can still go to the basketball court.. hehe... my life depends on it.. . if not id die of bordem.. oh today i went to the court after the meeting in selayang and met my buddy, jeff then we went for a drink and crap bout girls.. lolx... then omar, yin hao, and gabriel dropped by then we made noise in the mamak shop.. lolx.. then im a the office and its almost 11 at nite and im online chatting with my childhood friend bout basketbal.. haha.. well.. thats all i wanna blog about... till next time..

T-MiXx InC