Sunday, January 20, 2008

second day...

the second day im blogging.. hmm.. what can i say about today... lets see.. i slept really late last nite cuz i came back from the office at around 2.30am.. woah.. last nite behind 7eleven shop lots.. there was a fight amongst the indians.. was really freaky.. i could see them from the back window shoving and pushing each other.. i didnt understand what they were saying but even a crap head could tell they were fighting.. one of them was threatening the other with a glass bottle that he smashed on the ground.. omg.. i was freaked at first then it was annoying cuz they were making so much noise but nobody whacking.. -_-" so lame.. lolx.. i was expecting someone to die or what so at least i could experience seeing someone die in a fight.. haha.. well.. then i called the cops... haha.. i think the cops arrived cuz all of a sudden they scattered and ran away.. i dont think anyone was caught... hmm... crazy... yesterday at the bulan sabit merah malaysia meeting they were informing us that there might be a hindraf meeting at the place we were supposed to have duty at.. so i think my chances of going have disappeared completely.. haiz..but nevermind.. basketball can save me.. haha.. last night when i went back home i practiced the chords i took online then i slept at 3.30 am in the morning.. then i woke up at around 7 something and slept on the floor cuz i was uncomfortable on the bed.. haha.. weird ryte? i prefer flat grounds rather than too soft.. today i woke up at 11.30 which was pretty late but then i still lay down till 12 then i decided to get up cuz if i dont then id miss my ride to go out.. i played the guitar before i left at 12.45 then here i am crapping about yesterday.. haha... oh yeah i signed up myself for this modelfreelancer thingie online.. and maybe tomorrow im going to submit my portfoilo to this casting company..not me only but me and my friends cuz we were asked to do so when we met the chicks at gabriels barbecue.. haha.. they said they're recruiting more people for their companys database... luckily i went there... hmm.. i havent eaten yet but maybe later i will when i meet my homies at mamak shop downstairs from my dads office.. i wanna hang out with this girl zarine.. met her like last week.. shes jeffs friend but she's like really friendly.. so i wanna add more contact to my friends.. not more than that cuz she kinda already has her choice of guys so... friends would be fine i guess.. haha... thats all i wanna crap about today..till next time.. i wanna go makan.. lolx..

T-MiXx InC
HuNgRy... lolx..

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