Sunday, January 27, 2008

entrance and exit...

hello everyone.. its been awhile since i last blogged.. so welcome back to me.. muahaha.. okay.. what do i wanna talk about today... oh yeah.. since my last blog which was on thaipusam well.. i went to the court later that evening... hmm.. what else.. i cant really remember.. but i do know that i couldnt go online for the next few days which explains why i havent been blogging till today... hmm.. oh yeah.. last saturday on the 26th, i finally got out of the house in the morning after sometime and followed my siblings to school because they had this road run thing going on in school.. i didnt really go to school but instead i went to the basketball court to play basketball.. duhh.. lolx.. oh yeah.. on that day.. it was the first time i really played using jumpshot... i did quite alot.. i did 2 3pointer jumpshots which i was pretty much amazed when it went in.. after that day, i never stopped using jumpshots.. lolx... oh yeah... then i met kang le at the court... adorable form 2 kid.. quite cute too ^^ couldnt take my eyes off her adorable cute face... aaah.. lolx.. anyways she was with her friend siew li watching us guys play at the court.. muahaha..but too bad she didnt see me make the 3 pointer... T-T okay and so as i was saying, after playing, people starting passing by from the road run thing... so jef and i decided to follow them..hehe..was pretty funny when we jogged by the teachers, they were like... ey... apa nombor? then we said 017 and 016.. lolx.. some teachers were like smiling away but some were like... eh whats the other number... lolx.. damn funny that time.. then we cheered on the rest of our friends.. ashman got 15th place and shiqin got 3rd... okay la.. not bad.. lolx... oh then we all went to the mamak shop, sri tanjung nearby 7eleven... thats when something happened... well.. i sort of fought with jeff... thing is.. he likes syuhada.. this girl i know.. and she and i are kinda close.. sort of la.. and so she was sitting next to me and we were talking then her purse fell down on the floor... she leaned over and went down to take it.. then when she did i was like.. HEY CHECK THIS OUT! i was telling everyone to look... it looked like she was doing something else... lolx.. im not gonna say what... then jeff got pissed and went off.. i was like... wtf man... he dashed off and then syu and i went to go look for him... we walked for 15 minutes in the hot sun to go look for him... haizz... with me also wanna be so sensistive ar?? haiz. then while we were walking... i managed to talk to syuhada just one on one.. it was pretty interesting talking to her.. not that i dont know that.. but then.. it was sort of different this time i talked to her.. i never really talked seriously to her.. so it was... erm.. different.. O.o okay then when we finally found jeff i told syu to go back to tanjung and eat while i try talking to him.. but he didnt wanna talk to me instead he was pissed.. i was like... fcuk man... the whole time i was walking with syu, we were talking about him the whole time.. but i guess i was stupidly misunderstood.. maybe he felt that his position was threatened.. hmm.. well i cant do anything bout that if he doesnt trust me that much anymore.. anyway we had a talk and we got things sorted out... but seems like he feels me as a threat.. actually... i feel him as a threat... cuz every time i like a girl, theyd be crazy over him, but when he likes a girl, id usually be closer to them compared to him.. hmm... kacau la... haizz.. dude.. how can you say im taking advantage? hmmmph.. nevermind.. oh yeah.. its been awhile since i last chat with zarine also.. but nevermind la.. doesnt really matter.. she likes someone else already.. okay and so later i went back home.. then at night i went out to farahs farewell party.. syu was there also.. i spent the time talking to her the most of the time i was there... then we played this game that i suggested since everyone was feeling bored.. passing secret messages by whispering.. it was really fun actually cuz the message never came out right when it reaches the last person.. lolx... and azim was always blamed for everything.. lolx.. then i ate and had a chat with a few of my friends.. since now im not schooling, me and the people my age are called the budak habis sekolah.. lolx.. oh yeah.. i got to talk to this new guy, his name is omar... i sort of met him a few weeks back and almost fought with him that time but then i realized it was all a misunderstanding.. tengku, abu and omar aren't that bad at all.. hmm... then i got to talk and reminisce with amani, my close friend since i was in form2.. it was pretty an enjoyable night... it was farahs last day so we chilled... hmm... that was for 26th.. on 27th, i woke up at 2pm in the afternoon... and i did all my chores and then later at 4.30 i went out to the court... its about 6-7km distance from my house to the court but i jogged there in about 25minutes.. well... jogged 17minutes and the rest of the way i walked.. oh yeah.. then i did quite alot of jump shots on this day also.. hehe.. quite proud of myself for that too... then later i went back home.. my whole body was aching because at farah's party, i did quite alot of pull ups at the park.. my mum picked me up from 7eleven... hmmm... then at night i did my usual workout routine.. and slept at 2am... and woke up today at 6am.. 4 hours of sleep only.. -_-" and now here i am at the office... just now i just formatted one of my computers and reinstalled the windows... thats why it took quite sometime till i could post this blog... hmmm.. i had roti canai for breakfast... and now im online... running out of things to say already... well... im supposed to make my ic today.. cuz i lost it like last year.. lolx.. but then i dunno.. see how la.. well... maybe i'll blog more later... ciaoz...

T-MiXx InC

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