Tuesday, January 22, 2008

round 3.. and so it continues...

okay.. this is my third day since i started blogging... i think i wanna make this a regular activity.. i used to blog but then i dont usually go online.. but since im not doing anything or not working i think id do this as a past time.. so.. lets see.. what can i crap about today.... oh.. i know... i'll talk about yesteday.. hmm... lets see.. oh yeah.. after i ended my blog yesterday, i didnt go eat straight away, i went to school to meet my homie, Jeffrey and the rest of the clan.. they were waiting for me so i dashed off quickly... cuz i wanted to walk with them to the mamak shop which was just below my office... (originally where i was before i went to meet them in front of school...) i didnt wanna wait for them cuz its more fun to walk and talk so i get to hear about everything that happened in school since im already not schooling... so they were talking and talking... then while we were walking down the street, there was this one lorry with indians inside... they were like literally cruising next to us.. i think they were stalking us apart from going house to house to find people that needed their tar putting services.. there were 3 girls walking with us which was zarine, pashini and syuhada and some other guys.. first we thought they were looking at pashini.. but then when syuhada walked in front, they were winking at her... haha.. i tried to be friendly by waving but they couldnt take their eyes off syu.. lolx.. crazy people... then we finally arrived at the mamak shop and i ordered teh ais... (must i be so detailed??lolx...) okay and so... we were just chilling and talking then we went back to school cuz they all had sports house practice... i tagged along even though i wasnt a student in smkbrp anymore.. hehe.. people didnt really mind me hanging out there... i was only there to wait for them to register and then get lost from there.. lolx.. i was also trying to get closer to this zarine girl but then i think i'll stop cuz she likes someone else.. -_-" hmm.. oh yeah then when they were about to do this road run thing, it started to rain so everyone headed for shelter... haha.. pity the blue house.. it rained on them.. then we decided to go to the mamak shop again and lepak there since we have nothing else to do.. then later ashman came by.. so it was one whole gang there.. hmm.. almost la... cuz jeff had to go for tuition.. after that we went to the basketball court... not many people were there yesterday... cuz it rained earlier... then after that i went back home.. at home that night zarine and i had a quarrel about some stuff but we got that sorted out.. hmm... thats all i wanna crap about now.. i'll write more next time... i wanna go play basketball... again.. lolx.. ciaoz...

T-MiXx InC
NuTz... LoLx...

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