Friday, April 3, 2009

Check out my job application. ^^

April 4, 2009

Taufiq @ 2:12 pm:

Full Name: Muhammed Taufiq Bin Jusoff Albar
Age : 19years on 14th August
Location: Perlis
Job Profession : With you. Hopefully. Lol
Course Taking (if you are studying): Diploma in Pharmacy
Blogging experience: Started in 2007, but active in 2009.
Blog url:
Other writing experience?
None so far. Hopefully this will be my first one.

How many hours you can work in a week on this project?
I can work 14hours a week. Mostly at night.

Reason why you want to join (not less than 100 words, and no more reason like "I am interest"):

Okay. Here, i will be giving you the reasons as to why i want to join this blogging team. Since you've already mentioned not to say its because I'm interested then i guess I'll dash that point out. I recently moved to Perlis to further my studies. Coming from a not-so-well-to-do family, my income is said to be quite limited. So I'm looking for alternatives to increase my income and to help my family as well. By joining this blog team, i would not only be able to make some pocket money but also improve my typing skills and my English as well. Apart from that, I've developed an interest in blogging since 2007 but i never really had the chance to do very much due to the activities during my high school days. Now that I'm in a college that doesn't have curricular activities, you can say I don't have much to do. With me so used to having something to do all the time, having so much free time makes me restless. So let me just summarize why I'm interested in joining this blog team. Its to increase my income, improve my typing skills and fill up my time with something more productive than just laze around and sleep all day. I wanted to say I'm interested but i think you're already bored with those reasons. So yeah. That's the reasons. I hope its solid enough. ^^

Submit a sample of your article write up to me (not less than 150 words):


What can I say about myself? Well lets see… Where should i start? Oh yeah… Introduction. I don't think I'll write my name, age or date of birth since I've already written it earlier. Do you want to know what my name means? In my religion, Taufiq means HELP or ASSISTANCE. So far, I've lived up to my name. At least that's what i think. Haha. Most of the time, apart from doing sports which i don't do anymore due to the nonexistence of facilities in my so-not-cool college, and some injuries i sustained during the past holidays from PAINTBALL and SKATEBOARDING, most of the time, you'd see me talking. YES. I TALK A LOT. SO WHAT? Lol. Sometimes, i think i should stop talking for awhile and listen more. But my friends say, if i don't talk for a day, something must be wrong somewhere. And if i don't talk, i would feel a surge rushing through me asking me to talk. Haha. Is it okay for me to insert HAHA in my sentences? Because i do laugh a lot. I don't like seeing people frown or feel sad. I feel responsible whenever I see someone frown or is feeling down. Okay. SOME OF YOU might say its none of my business, but i still feel that way. Whats your definition of being happy? Well, i don't know yours, but mine is to see everyone put a smile on their faces. Yes. I love doing that. Its okay if i end up getting blamed for or get hurt during the process, but everything would feel all better when i know I've made someone happy. Is this more than 150words yet? Or should i write more? Lol. Now let me just summarize what i was trying to say. I can be very random and most of the time i would elaborate on things that sometimes is not needed at all. I love sports and trying to make someone smile everyday is what i enjoy doing most. In general. I'm flexible.

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