Friday, April 17, 2009


Today is the first day im officially on the job.

Dya Internet Cafe.

Thats the place im working at now.
Whats my pay?
Well, lets just say, its enough to get me through the day.

Know how i got the job?

Well, its been months since i was looking for a job. And i was supposed to get one at NetWonderland. A cyber cafe in Kangar. But unfortunately, because i took for granted that i could get that job anytime, turns out that someone else filled in the spot before i could get a hold of it. What to do... Thats what happens when you can't sacrifice a few things and seize the moment.

Okay. So then i went to look for a job at ANOTHER cyber cafe. Octopus.Net. Why does the name sound weird? I HAVE NO IDEA. lol. I applied about 2 weeks ago. And last week on saturday they didnt accept my job request because my study time was a little bit messed up... And so. AGAIN. I didnt get the job.

On the same saturday, i went out job hunting again. And i found this place. DYA INTERNET CAFE. Before that i went to another 5 cyber cafe's. I dont remember their names because they didnt have job vacancies. And so. I arrived. I was gonna give up already. Then when i went in, I asked if they had any job vacancies. AND YES! They were looking for someone to work over the weekend. JUST THE JOB I NEED! At first, i thought i was gonna go survey other places. So i left the shop and when i 100metres away, i was like... What the hell am i doing? SEIZE THE MOMENT YOU IDIOT. lol. So i turned back and went in. I applied for the job.


I feel so lucky having this job. I dont think i'll let it go to waste. Wanna know why? Okay. On tuesday evening i got a call from the Boss of the shop. Aunty Anne. No, she's not related to the famous pastry shop. lol. She asked when i could come for the crash course. I said, tomorrow night. This happened on the same day and same time i was having my Pharmaceutics class presentation on Catapres. The next night, i came at 8pm. I was there till 10.30pm. She gave me rm10 for being there. And know what else? SHE'S A VERY CARING AND CONCERNED BOSS! She even bought me and the other workers there dinner. This cant get any better i thought. BUT IT DID. XD That night was the same night Anne went to the hospital. Note to readers. This Anne is not related to my boss at all. (so many anne's over here. XD)

I was there till 6am cuz we were waiting for the warden to come get them at 3am. But until 4am, they couldnt seem to come cuz the guy wardens were all sleeping. IRRESPONSIBLE. So me being a very concerned friend, i called my other friend. Asiff. I was lucky cuz he was just about to go to sleep but i called him to come and help send these two helpless souls back home. XD but it came with a price. KFC! at 5am. lol. That explains why we came back at 6am.

Anyways. Back to my JOb thingy. Lol.

The next day, or should i say the same morning, i woke up at 9am. I was late for class. I left at 9.15am. Arrived at 9.27am. 12minutes. Fast? VERY. lol. I mean seriously. If you ride at normal speed, or take the bus, it would take at least 20minutes. Then later at 11 my class ended. Then 11.45am, Anne was asking me favour. Send her to the hospital cuz there was no one to help her. IRRESPONSIBLE WARDENS. HmMPH. Even though i dont have enough sleep, still, im not the sort of person who will turn down a friend in need. So i rushed back to the hostel. In 15minutes. lol. Then i took a shower. Took my stuff. Then at 12.30pm i went to the hospital.

KNow what? I just realized that im talking more about hospital then my job. LOL.
Thats because thats what happened most of the day.

Okay fine. SKip the hospital issues. I went at 3pm. Till 6.30pm. And i made another rm10. Plus lunch, and some snacks. I dont even spend on food anymore! Hee... I feel grateful. And happy i took this job. Know why? If i didnt turn back, a few seconds after i came in to fill in the application form, someone came up to the counter and asked for the job. Then the guy, Mr. Roslan, said. Sorry. Job full. lol. LUCKY ME. XD Then yesterday evening i came in to help Wan at the night shift. I didnt get paid, but Aunty Anne came and brought dinner and when i left she gave me chocolates. I know. Its hard to believe. But its true.

(type so long, and i havent even started talking about my first day... XD)

Today is my first day OFFICIALLY WORKING. I woke up at 5.45am. Too excited i guess. Actually i was worried i would come late. XD Okay. BUt i went back to sleep. Didnt do my subuh prayers. lol. And LUCKILY i woke up at 8am. Then i got ready, prayed, then left. I arrived at 8.45am. I was early. YAY! lol. I opened the shop. Hee. MY FIRST DAY HAS BEGUN! AND I WAS UNLUCKY! THE SYSTEM WAS JAMMED! SHIT! So i had to use it manually... Means pen and paper and being alert of who goes in and out and telling them their time is up. DAMN. It was pretty much complicated and tiring as well. BUt i pulled through great! lol. There was this one customer. I made him leave with a pissed off face. His computer was not attached to the system after it was reset. SO i told him to save his progress (school folio) and restart. THEN. ME BEING SO SMART. DIDNT KNOW. that the computers were set on RESET. Each time someone saves something in the computer, when it restarts, everything inside will be back to the original. Means his file wasnt saved. He was like so pissed. I was feeling so bad cuz he has been doing his work for over 2hours! So he was like... I want my money back. And i gave him back using my pay for the day. Because it was my fault. SO yeah. RM3 gone. lol. Nevermind. It was hectic anyways. XD

Im saving money and making money as well. ^^
Im so grateful. XD

i just saw this kid fall on his butt cuz he was standing at his friends pc and got his slipper caught under the table. (dont ask me how. im wondering myself. XD)

YESTERDAY i saw this guy who came storming in the cc and he went to his kid and smacked him on the head telling him to go home. Then he told us, dont let this boy in here. EVER! XD pity him. lol.

So many events happening at work. Seems interesting. XD

oh yeah. i cant huggie anymore. APPARENTLY. IT LEADS TO SEX. XD

thats all for today. ^^

oh yeah. for those related to this statement.

Im sorry for not being a responsible friend.
Ive been really forgetful these days.
I know, i shouldnt. YOu're all important to me.


Xuan said...

"i cant huggie anymore. APPARENTLY. IT LEADS TO SEX"
what's that suppose to mean?
we shouldnt hug our parents cause it leads to sex??
I still wanna get huggies from my brother!! I MISS HIM!!!

TauFiQ said...

lol. it means. something. XD