Saturday, April 25, 2009

What i've become.

Its been awhile since ive been blogging.
Well, the reason is because..
If you're read my earlier blog,
I've started working.

BUT only over the weekends.

I still study okay? lol.

Its been 2 weeks. And things seem to be doing great.
At least better.

Well, what has happened since my last blog post?
Lets see...


This friend of mine met with an accident last Thursday. I think. lol.
Her name is Anne. It was a rainy day.
And she's so daring to even speed and take a corner without slowing down.



And so she's in the hospital.

Her injuries were only a few scratches. But she's warded in the hospital.
Haemophillia. This is due to the lack of factor VIII or platelets that causes the blood clotting to be slow.

She had to stay in the hospital because they're afraid she might have and internal bleeding.
AND NOW. I been visiting her everyday since she was warded from 9pm to 10pm. I keep it short because i've got so many other commitments as well. She's only got very few close friends that's in Perlis. And i'm one of them. So.. Yeah. I visit.


After 2 months of having my L license for Motorbike and car, i finally found the time to do the 10 hour practice for Motorbike which i did in 3 days. Usually people take 5 days. Hee. And i also did 2hours for car. I completed my QDI (im not sure if its QTI or QDI but whatever. XD) test which was done by the Driving Institute (ILMU PANDU) last friday.


Now im only one step away which is the JPJ test. Maybe on the 8th of May. And after that...
P! lol. I mean i'll get my Probation licence for 2 years. hee. ^^

For car license, ive still got 8 more hours and the QDI test. Most probably i'll be doing it 1 week after ive done the QDI. So most probably i'll be having my license by MAY.

YAY FOR MAY! Hee. ^^
oh. wait. May sounds like someone's middle name. Hee. ^^


I've already started on my 2nd test. So far, i've already done...

-Bahasa Kebangsaan

The remaining tests.

-Chemistry 2 (27th April)
-Dispense Preparation Method (30th April)
-Pharmaceutics 2 (Date not confirmed)
-Pharmacology 1 (Date not confirmed)

I think i did quite okay for the first 2 tests because i studied. ^^
Being called a nerd doesnt matter. Because people who study have a chance at a better future.
Unlike those who just enjoy their lives and feeling so proud when they didnt study and keep getting lucky during the exams. Well.

Beware. You can't depend on luck all the time. lol.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM)

This is becoming an epidemic virus in my college.
I'm getting really annoying. Im so annoyed.

I think that MLM is something good.
But the problem is the people that are running this business dont seem to be fit for the job.

You dont go forcing people into some business.
Its just not the way things go.
You have to persuade. BUT.
Lying seems to be a method you all use into getting them to giving you money.

More of less this is how the system works.

You pay rm75 for registration.
And. RM 2000 to buy the products from the company.
But you dont make money from the products.
Its when you ask more people to join as your downline.

Its a business that can give you success.
IF. You know how to do it.

The students in my college that join this MLM seem to be forgetting their main purpose on coming to college. Making money should be part time. Like what im doing. But is seems that to them studying is part time and making money is their priority.


Money is not everything. But almost everything needs money.

What makes them make money their priority?
I heard them say their upline told them studying wont ensure your future.
Because even with studies the number of people unemployed are still increasing.

Pass this message to those who go around thinking that studies arent important.

Its because you dont study thats why you come up with this statement.
And you're just saying that to make yourself feel better about not having education.
One word for you.
Would you even understand what im saying or even this word if you didnt have education?


Just incase you dont know what a brain is, its the central processing unit for humans that places in your head in your skull. God didnt give you a brain for nothing either.

My advice is.

Don't do something when you don't know how to do it.
Learn first. Be sure of what you're doing.
And if you take risks. At least be sure that you can handle the consequences.
Dont live in regret for not thinking before you do something.

I rest my case.


And i just wanna fill in here. That recently ive changed the genre of music that i listen to. Currently my favourite bands are Estrella and Yuna. ^^
Their music seems relaxing. Its what i need now.
Sometimes i feel like the nerve behind my head is gonna burst.
But i dont think so. Hee. ^^

If you're gonna do something dangerous,
That i'll break down,
And stop working,
If something bad happens.

Thats the reason im not gonna risk myself anymore.
A reason worth the while.



1 comment:

Farah Diyana said...

Taufiq, I miss you la, bro. Haven't seen you for a very long time already.