Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A day full filled with multiple feelings.

And today, i'll start blogging. Again.

This is how my day went...

3am - 6am Manchester Uniter vs InterMilan

Well, after my friends and i went to the cc till 2am, we decided to head to the Foodball Corner to wait for the game to start, and being all tired from my very busy day yesterday, i leaned my head on the table after i ordered drinks and went to sleep. At least till the game was about to start. Then the game started. ManU totally owned the game in the first half. Then in the second half, InterMilan put up a fight. But during the second half, i fell asleep 3 times cuz i was too sleepy. The game ended 0-0.

6.15am - 11am Sleep time

i was waiting for subuh while lying down which eventually resulted in me...


So much for waiting huh? hahaha. Okay. Dont i have class today? Yes i did. Class was supposed to start at 10AM but luckily our lecturer cancelled the class cuz he was having a sore throat. Then i woke up at 10.55AM and was like...


So i took a bath, got dressed, and started took off to college on motorbike. I was totally over the speed limit but because i was late, i had to. But i did ride with caution. Im a very safe driver. Hee.. Then i got to class on time. PHEW!

ENG 1023 English Lecture

Then there was break till 2.30pm and then there was ENG 1023, English lecture. Ive never seen the lecturer before. And last week, he cancelled his class. So what happened was, my friend, Arfah, She asked me to become the lecturer. It was hillarious. ^^ I was acting like the lecturer in front when the real lecturer passed by our class. I didnt know he was the lecturer but i asked my classmates...

"Was that the real lecturer?"

Then they all were like, we dont know dont ask us.
Then later he came back with Cik Ayu to the class and was like...

Mr Azha Taufiq

"I have English lessons here right?"
"Mr Azha is it? Yes you do. And you're late."
"Were you teaching them just now? Do you wanna take over my job?"
"No, its okay, go ahead and teach them."

HAHA. Do take note that we were both giggling and the whole class was laughing the whole time.
The whole day, we seemed to talk about crazy stuff. And it was a really funny day. Even though i didnt get enough sleep, I didnt feel sleepy at all! I was laughing my head of. I dunno why. Its all been pervy jokes and it gets everyone in the class cracked up. ^^

And then now im at the CC like i always do. Blogging about my day to you. And you know what i found out? My cousin, Talhah Fadzillah, got slashed in the cheek by a sudanese guy who has a grudge against chinese people in sudan and somehow stupidly thinks that my cousin looks like a chinese. (Note that talhah looks more like a nigga and the prime minister of Korea but way way tan.) The guy was like, WOI chinese, then talhah turned and.. SLASH! He got slashed on his cheek. Then Khalid punched the guy then my cousins ran for it. They went to the hospital and talhah got stiched.



Read my blog and make your own conclusion.
But what you can conclude is.

.fuck you.


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