Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Im back. Again. ^^

After almost a year of not blogging,
After all the time that has passed by,
After all the changes that happened in our lives,
After all the happily ever afters,
After all the afters.


After so long, im finally blogging again. ^^ Ive got so so so so so so.. (and the so goes on... ) many things that has happened since the past year. Things are WAAY different now from how it was before. Well, things include where i am now, my studies, friends, people i love and more. hehe.

Okay. Im gonna blog bout the most recent things that happened to me. Starting from new year. But things are gonna be really brief cuz if i were to elaborate on each and every one of them, then id might as well write a novel... oh wait! shud i write a novel instead? XD nevermind.

I celebrated the New Year in the way i never thought i would be doing. I went clubbing. :D It was one of the things i actually wished i could do for years. And now. I DID IT! WOOOT for me huh? hehe. The only reason i wanna go clubbing is the experience of even going to a club and shuffling with the people there. Its one of the best experiences ever! That night i went to this club called VOX in Alor Setar. It cost rm30 for entry. But i could use the ticket to get drinks inside. But dont worry. I DONT CONSUME ALCOHOL AND NEVER WILL. ^^ Then after my friends and i were done clubbing, we drove to Sg. Petani in Kedah for the fun of it and then i drove back to Kangar from Sg. Petani in less than an hour. Guess how fast was i driving? 160km/h. hehe. Crazy? i know. When i got back to my hostel, my sweated smelled like alcohol from the club. IT STINKS! So i washed it right away. ^^

Okay. That was new year.

Apart from that.
Im a hardcore kid now. hehe.
What the heck is that for those of you who dont have any idea of what hardcore is? No its not a total sick pervert from those pornography movies you all might so happen to ACCIDENTALLY WATCH.
Hardcore is a genre of music that is full of passion. NOT PASSION TO LOVE. BUT THE PASSION TO LOVE TO MOSH. ^^
Now whats mosh?
Mosh is an activity you might find really stupid if you're not into hardcore music.
When people are high on music, they will do this sort of dance to express themselves.
And most of the time. IT HURTS.
But if it didnt hurt, then it wudnt live up to its HARDCORE name wudnt it?
Might as well call it HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. haha.
I went to my first hardcore gig in Penang on the 10th January.
It was my friends birthday so we thought we make him happy by taking him to the gig.


Im gonna skip quite a number of amazing event elaboration and write them in point form.

-Ive enrolled myself into MUSIC SCHOOL! YAY! im learning classical guitar.
-I made friends with this amazing girl. JEANNY! WOOT!
-Ive started another band with friends. REMAKE MY LULLABY.
-My results for my first semester is 3.03.
-I just started my second semested in my Diploma in Pharmacy.

I guess thats all for now. I'll talk more some other time okay? Ive gotta head back before they lock me up in this cyber cafe.


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