Tuesday, February 24, 2009


TUESDAY, 24thFebruary2009

Today wasnt as depressing as the days it was before..
But the day was really packed.

10am-12pm Dispense Preparation Method 1
12pm-12.30pm Lunch
1pm-2pm Nap
2pm-4pm Bahasa Kebangsaan
4pm-5pm Guitar Lessons
5pm-7pm Pharmacology 1
8.00pm-9.00pm Nap
9.30pm-10.00pm Dinner
10.30pm-2am Cyber Cafe Online

I'll talk about the ones i highlighted in RED.


Today i had a replacement class for guitar lessons at Yamaha Music in Kangar. Because i enrolled late, they wanted me to have enough lessons which is 4 lessons a month. Since i could already play guitar quite okay, im almost finished in grade 1. And finally. I CAN READ NOTES! YAY! But im still REALLY REALLY SLOW at it. But with more practice and reading the notes, i know i'll only keep improving. ^^

Alright, and so guitar lessons ended at 5pm, i headed for the bank to cash out some money, so i took the back alley as a shortcut but i guess it wasnt my luck as two police officers stopped me. I was like... Okay... Calm down... Now just smile and talk calmly. They asked me for my license so i told them, ive completed my motorbike course and ive got my L license but the driving institution hasnt given me my license. And i said, u can take my Ic to check with JPJ if you dont believe me. So they called up HQ and checked... And... They told me i'm clear. ^^ Hee.. LUCKiLY! If not... There goes my money... ^^


Todays class didnt seem to be as boring as last semester. Maybe because last time I wasnt that interested in studying and i didnt really pay much attention. But this time, i dont feel like sleeping in Mr Lee's class. Today, we were discussing about Pharmacokinetics. Which is what the body does to the drug that it receives. And so we were talking about cell membranes and how substances get across them. SO...He was saying, the barries is selective and will only let specific molecular substances get across. And the molecules cannot force themselves through. TAK BOLEH PAKSA. He said, its like you being selective on which girlfriend you wanna take for a ride.

Taufiq Mr Lee Asiff

"Macam mana kalau nak bawak perempuan lain? Boleh tak??"

"Mana boleh, mesti diorang tak nak naik. Kan they're not ur girlfriend?"

"Kalau diorang tak nak, PAKSA jelah.. Mesti boleh punya... "

"Tapi mesti sakit kalau paksa kan... HAHAHA."

Then suddenly MrLee kept quiet and was embarrassed and said...

"You all are disrupting my focus here... "

"Yerrr!!! MrLee ni nakal laaa... HAHAHA."

Somethimes humour is needed to get the class to be at the lecturers attention. I mean if that is what would keep the students awake, then do it. It doesnt matter what you talk about, as long as the students understand what you're saying, then it would be fine. I mean, if you were the lecturer, would you like it when the students dont get a thing you're saying when actually you are speaking the same language as they are?


Thats why... Jokes are essential. ^^


Today i had a chat with Ye Shann, Jeanny, Cammy, Sara.

Ye Shann
She found out i got assaulted by the UiTM Guards.
She supports me. YAY!

She posted a blog about the teachers calling her a wild child. That really brought her spirits down. So i forced her to go online so i could talk to her. And explained that some teachers are like that. The reason she was called that is because she hangs out with the bunch of friends i used to hang out with when i was in school and hell yeah i was one heck of a wild child.

Dont be sad Jeanny. Instead. BE PROUD. Dont get demotivated by those critics. We know who we are. And obviously, they dont. ^^

Well, i talked about my dream. HAHA.

I havent talked to her since Hari Raya last year. And that was months ago. She also just found out about me being assaulted by those UiTM guards.

And dont worry Sara, Rugby will soon be over and you'll see him again. ^^


Okay... I admit it... Im not really a die hard fan. But... I just love the crowd and the excitement that happens each time there's a big game like MU versus CHELSEA on the 11thJanuary2009 and for tonight, I forgot who they're up against, but its gonna be at 3am, which is in 2 hours from now. And yes, i do have class tomorrow morning, but its at 10am. ^^

Looking forward to the game. Especially the crowd. ^^

I think thats all i wanna blog about tonight. Im off to a game of counter-strike with my friends. ^^

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