Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yesterday is Today and Today is Tomorrow

Have you read what i wrote as the tittle for this blog?

Yes, im sure you did. So i dont think i have to repeat it.

HEE.. ^^

Alryte. Let me just write down in point form about the things that have happened for the past few weeks.

-Ive started my second semester.
-I havent been on my college bus for months.
-I ride the motorbike at 60km/h
-I go to the cyber cafe almost everynight.

Okay. Im not gonna talk about everything. Im just gonna talk about the important stuff which so happen to be in bold.

Oh wait. Everything is in bold huh? Nyahahahaha!! hee.. ^^

Well. Let me just briefly talk about the first 3 points.

Ive started my second semester.

Okay. After having 3 weeks of holidays, finally on the 12th of February i went back to Perlis. College only starts on the 16th but i came back earlier.
And when i arrived at my hostel.
Why did i come back so early?

I went to Uitm, Arau to meetup with her as soon as i arrived at my hostel at 4.30.
I played basketball that evening and we hung out at the court then we went to have dinner together. We had a long chat since we last met which was 2weeks AGO before that which was at our outing to Midvalley.

Then i left UITM around 10.00 pm, and as expected, there was a JPJ roadblock. I decided to go through the SAWAH BENDANG DARK SCARY PATHWAY instead of getting summons. hee.
Then I sort of got lost for 10mins till i found my way out after asking directions from a few ppl.

Then when i was on my way back i went to the CC because there was no one at my hostel.
And when i was on the way back after CC there was a POLICE ROAD BLOCK.
I was like... WTFCUK... and i took another route back to my hostel. NYAHAHAHAHA. ^^

I havent been on the college bus for months.
Why? Its because..

1. It looks worse than the school busses you see at primary or secondary schools.
2. You're gonna have to literally MOSH ur way to get onto the bus.
3. If you end up getting on the bus, you'd have to stand for 20minutes till u arrive if ur late.
4. If you dont get onto the bus, means.. You didnt MOSH well.
5. Because they dont have enough busses, people end up MOSHING at the bus stand when the bus arrives.

I dont take the bus anymore.

I ride the motorbike at 60km/h

Why? Its because...

1. Im reducing the expenses that i spend on fuel.
2. I dont wanna end up in an accident. I dont like purposely hurting myself.
3. I just realized that i get to really notice the surroundings at a slower speed. Hee. ^^


wait. Thats the end for that issue.
Nyahahaha! Hee... ^^
Now for the three Main Issues.

I go to the cyber cafe almost everynight.

Guess what people?
I go to the cyber cafe almost everynight!


Why? Well. Its because...

I get to catch up on things that im missing out back in Sg Buloh. (:
After i started going online, i get updated, all the recent issues, and the best part, i get to have chit chats with my friends that i had to leave behind for my studies in Perlis. From here, we still get to bond like we used to. Eventhough this is nothing even close to meeting them in person but still its better than not making contact with them at all.

IM LOVIN IT. oh wait. Boycott this phrase.


Apart from that, i made a new friend online. I think it was on the night i came back to perlis. Her name is Jeanny Tan Jean Yi. I think. Apologies if i misspelt the name. ^^
This girl is just the kind of person that i would make friends with, without having to get to know her that long. Its because she's the sort of person thats open and friendly. JUST LIKE ME! NYAHAHAHAHA! Hee... ^^
Well, she's now officially part of a band that we decided to make.

Remember the name.
Oh wait. I didnt have to tell you that.
Dont worry, i know you will. ^^

The reason i even added her on msn was because zack and i were talking about making a band. Then he was saying...

"There's this girl name Jeanny who can play guitar. How bout we teach her how to go nuts on stage and join our band? A girl in the band would be different. At least different for us. "

Thats not exactly what he said but more or less thats what he was saying. ^^
Then we all had a chat. And suddenly i decided that she's officially taken.


Okay. Since that day, every night when i go online, we'd have a chat. At first it was just zack, jeanny and I. The word that we'd usually use in the chat is. BAGUS. Hee. I started using it, then it became a habit and everyone started using it. ^^ Then when jeff started going online as well, then we added him into the chat as well. And all four of us. We are...


And so i think ive written enough for you people to read today. If i go on writing, i dont think it would become a blog. Instead u might end up sitting at the screen for hours as though as you're reading a novel. Because i talk what i think as though as im talking to you. For those of you who has ever met me in person, i bet you would know. And for those who haven't, well if you read this blog, FYI. THIS IS HOW I TALK.

And so i have come to the end of my blog.
Let me just briefly write down what happened today.

I woke up early, went back to sleep, then woke up again and realized i was late for class, i almost ended up in an accident rushing for class, arrived in class just in time to write my name, then later at 12 i went for lunch, went back, practiced guitar, went to UITM Arau.

I keep going there for basketball and now she's in this sketch competiton and she asked for my help. Hee.

I'll talk more bout that later some other time okay?

Then i came back by maghrib, prayed, had dinner with my friends, then headed straight to the CC. And here i am writing my blog. ^^

Oh yeah. I did this thing just now.
After dinner. I was riding on the motorbike, and when i passed by a group of people, i'd say...


Nyahahahaha! Alryte. Till next time.

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